zippered pouch

During my perfect day, I went to a really cool fabric store, WhizBang Fabrics. I found some really cool fabric to make zippered pouches with. This is the one thing I can do pretty well with the sewing machine. I don't know where I learned how to make I just have picked up tips from various people. If I come across a good tutorial I will pass it along. I have made several pouches for different people in the last year. I have made all different sizes for different uses. I once made 15 for one bride to give to her 15 bridesmaids, I made one for all my friends who attended my bacholette party, friends for Christmas gifts, birthday gifts, and I am still making them! I love them, easy to make and it can help spice up your purse! 


Gigi said...

Very cute pouch! I can think of a million uses for such a cute pouch!

Anonymous said...

Hi Juls,

Love the cute bag. You are soooo good at making creative. Had a great time hanging out with you. Hope to do it again soon.